

Asian Dub Foundation: ... tour diary in the Guardian.
The great thing about Brazil is that so many people there understand the life-changing potential of music, and art in general. The cynicism in Britain, the idea that music will never change anything, is based on a very narrow view of what constitutes change. The Brazilian trip reaffirms our reasons for getting involved with music in the first place. It is the ultimate form of communication.

Ricochet: ... I didn't know they'd rolled out a 64Kbps service for Bay Area folks. If it's going down the tubes, it's frustrating to hear columnists refer to it as a reliable product. Odd, too, to look over in the ad space beside the article and see two ads for the Ricochet service.


Aimster for the Mac: ... strictly for evaluation purposes.
Who's makin' love to your old lady: ... while you're out makin' love?
"Baby Boy": ... Davey D calls bullshit.
I think Singleton wanted to make some salient points about life for a segment of Black society. Unfortunately, I think he further perpetuates stereotypes and disturbing behavioral patterns that exist within the community. If folks see the movie they should use the film as a springboard to conversation about relationships and family dynamics.
It's raining books! Hallelujah!: ... by great good luck and thoughtfulness, a co-worker has placed a copy in my hands. This, on top of John Snyder's generosity in advance of my birthday. The mind boggles; the heart fills with sentiment.
Another Rushdie death threat: ... over at The Nation. (courtesy blahstuff)
Two years later, when the giant Zooropa tour arrived at Wembley Stadium, Bono called to ask if I'd like to come out on stage. U2 wanted to make a gesture of solidarity, and this was the biggest one they could think of. When I told my then-14-year-old son about the plan, he said, "Just don't sing, Dad. If you sing, I'll have to kill myself."


Pride memories: ... (all photos ~ 8 to 12 KB in size.) The API Wellness booth, buffeted by direct sun, a stiff breeze and hordes of people milling along Polk Street. API staffer women's program supervisor Vinh Vu, seated on a translucent blue inflatable couch. Two women, associate director of care services Rachel Matillano on the left hollering and associate director of community services Denise Tang on the right, getting ready to fall in beside us. A toss-the-gel-filled-condom game, whose degree of difficulty increased as the afternoon went on and the wind picked up. "Tita Aida" aka community events specialist Nikki Calma (in black) and Noel Alumit, the "American Flip," talking up passersby. My eye is distracted briefly by AQU25A program coordinator Jaedon Cariaso, but I turn back to Tang, who was instrumental in getting the band down to play. One couple walking by stopped to listen as the pride of Vancouver, B.C., the "Taiko Electric" trio itself, Loud draws a crowd of people wondering whether drummer Eileen Kage, taiko player Leslie Komori and guitar player Elaine Stef could make a joyful noise, which they did. Ankita had scored a lovely shirt earlier in the week. A Sawatdee Thai duo carved sinuous figures in the air, using traditional dance moves. I got a hug from community planning trainer Javid Syed. The Metamorphosis Girls put on a show, with one young lady whirling and transgender health educator Tamika Gonzales tearing up the stage. After them came a 3-member incarnation of the Rice Girls. Then Tita Aida and Noel Alumit got Denise and Chinese treatment manager Christina Wang on stage to give an oral HIV test in Cantonese. Then the GAPA dancers put on a kicky dance routine. Yvette sang while the cops folded their arms and hoped no one would mistake them for leather daddies. (Oh, how I love a man in a uniform ... joking!) I saw a funny street sign as we took a stroll over near Nectar, the women's stage. After a while, we just sat on a curb and watched the intersection bubble with pride and occasional lust type-thangs. Three men in cowboy hats, goatees, black tank tops and flaming sarongs certainly stood out, as did a pair of women for other reasons and a fabulous drag queen for self-evident ones.
Your revolution: ... last night a DJ saved my life with a song. (3.5 MB)
Free clues: ... à la Mr. Dash, who was pretty straightforward when it happened to him on April 6th. I'm not interviewing for a job or something, either. So, verbum sat sapienti, y'all: Google. It's your friend. I use it, and so should you, when it's time to data-mine. Or better yet, just e-mail me. The worst I could say is "no," right?
  • - 1 for "brothers"
  • - 1 for "children" (I have none. Zip. Zero. Nada.)
  • - 1 for "keith clinkscales" (Over here)
  • - 1 for "linda"
  • - 1 for "mom" (maybe this)
  • 2001/06/26

    GSSMs: ... as discussed with Jako.
    Jako (01:22 PM): got a sec?
    george (01:29 PM): I think so.
    Jako (01:30 PM): just wondering if you blogged anything about that SF Gate article Ernie and Anil linked
    george (01:31 PM): I didn't. I read it after coming back from Pride. Saw the paper on a BART train, and flipped through it right before napping on the couch.
    Jako (01:31 PM): really cool article - was hoping to get your take
    george (01:34 PM): Well, GSSMs are what Anil and Peterme had on their minds a couple of years ago.
    george (01:34 PM): At least, that's how Anil explained it to me.
    george (01:35 PM): In a way, I felt that straight people appropriating elements and markers of gay culture was sort of bogus.
    george (01:35 PM): I mean, support the culture, sure
    george (01:35 PM): but it didn't seem too far removed from white people feeling Tupac Shakur's pain, as the article mentioned.
    george (01:35 PM): Then my wife told me to pull my head out of my ass
    Jako (01:36 PM): true, but some straight folks (on both sides of the gender fence) just act GAY as a matter of course...
    george (01:36 PM): and said that straight people who fcuk with borders and boundaries and expectations are cool
    george (01:37 PM): and I shouldn't hate on them because it's not always about stealing someone else's cool
    george (01:37 PM): and since the more confused people are about gender boundaries, the less likely it is that they'll just come out (ahem) and say stupid stuff and act stupidly.
    Jako (01:38 PM): your wife's got it right
    george (01:38 PM): So I asked her when was the last time she had her gaydar checked.
    george (01:38 PM): She stuck her tongue out at me.
    Jako (01:38 PM): ha!
    george (01:38 PM): And we went out to the bookstore, came back home and watched this documentary on FTM trannies on PBS.
    James Dean: ... still not dead, according to Morrissey.


    Swedish meet, ball: ... "Indeed two men in the sample we analysed claimed to have 600 and 800 partners and a woman claimed to have more than 100 partners. ... We were trying to think of a type of social network where the connections would be clear, like 1 or 0, there or not there. Sexual relationships, except maybe for Bill Clinton, clearly verify this rule, two people either had sex or they didn't. So the network is well defined."
    On the radar: ... Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" (which I spent an hour last night browsing before looking up and noticing 100 or so pages of its 400-plus-page bulk had passed) and this guy Steven Shaviro (pointed out by Adam re: an interview) who's publishing "Stranded in the Jungle," a book made up of essays about Samuel Delany's "Dhalgren" (a nice William-Gibson-foreword-having paperback edition that would've bit me Friday evening if it'd been a snake at the Barnes and Noble in Berkeley, Calif., drowsy as I was after a superb dinner at Cafe Tibet), Prince's "Under the Cherry Moon" (which crossed my mind while I was watching an ethnic/postmodern dance troupe called Freeplay shimmy-shimmy their ya-yas at the Pride celebration's Asian stage yesterday, when "Kiss" suddenly materialized from speaker stacks, its opening wah-wah Wendy Melvoin guitar lick-cum-Prince exhalation-grunt and electronic snare-drum hit galvanizing the bodies of hundreds of people around me like so many high-school biology-class frog legs), Tricky's "Pre-Millennium Tension," Bjork and Chris Cunningham's "All is Full of Love" video and a meditation on Sammy Davis Jr., to name a few.
    You don't know dick: ... Saw this special about FTM transsexuals at 11 p.m. night on KQED-Channel 9, the PBS affiliate that comes in most clearly on our non-cable-fied TV set. Coming in from chilling at the bookstore as we did, we missed the front end of a special about the history of African-American dance that began at 10 p.m., as well as a special about Ruth Ellis, the oldest known "out" African-American lesbian who passed on last year. Fortunately, KQED's schedule says the Ellis special will re-air this Thursday at 11 p.m.
    There goes the 'hood: ... or does it? That's a link to a Metafilter thread about a Natalie Hopkinson op-ed piece in the Washington Post. Now, I did participate here and there. The only reason I'm bringing it back up is that no one on MeFi will probably read/post the Post's ombudsman's take on it all.


    Fronting for the enemy: ... according to Chris Nutter in the Village Voice.


    Tans for the memories: ... those booths are not our friends, as feminist media watch reminds us. I'm begging you: Be sure to get your solar rays the right way.
    Jennifer, oh Jenny: ... "They asked me to do that show ... But I didn't get it. I still don't get it. With all due respect for the fans, I couldn't imagine doing it every day. I mean, I think their acting is very good, but I couldn't do it. To adhere yourself to a part for seven years like that, I would have a nervous breakdown. I've never seen the show. But I think Gillian Anderson is amazing, and so beautiful."
    Thinking different. ... indeed. Apple helps digitize the Dalai Lama. (As if I needed another reason to like the company ...)


    Bebel-on sister: ... shake it! (via BMTH)
    Ward Connerly and white privilege: ... The former's organization is attempting to advance the latter via the Racial Privacy Initiative, and Seth Sandronsky points out what's wrong with that. (via Common Dreams)
    Yay!: ... I didn't realize Freaky Trigger was back. See what your radio/'puter/personal music player ought to be bumpin', the flaws in "Moulin Rouge" (aside from the bold-ass Bollywood rips), their take on Radiohead's latest ("listening, I'm reminded of Byrne and Eno's My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts, and its balance between the cut-up chatter of talk show geopolitics and a haunted personal interior") and the latest things Ms. I Hate Music has been running into headon. And it's nice to know I'm not missing anything on MTV these days.
    Total solar eclipse: ... "God has some means of showing his anger to his people. An eclipse takes place when people have sinned. It is an indicator of upcoming problems, death, illness, drought or incurable diseases."


    Turning 30: ... on the 7th, and thinking about making lists of things. *Hi Eric!*
    Saw this before: ... but the site wasn't live yet. Now it is, and my co-worker's getting-married tale can be told.
    Kubrick and Spielberg's inspiration: for "A.I." is "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long," a short story by British writer Brian Aldiss.
    "Pearl Harbor": ... Den Beste has heartening news WRT the movie's box office receipts.
    Search me, dear reader: ... Some of my visitors seem to be looking for things that, to be blunt, aren't going to turn up here.
  • - 1 for "dkny thong" (I don't wear them. Try over here next time.)
  • - 1 for "iverson" (mentioned him way back, re: a Me'Shell N'Degeocello quote I found and liked)
  • - 1 for "jean michel basquiat" and - 1 for "jean michel basquiat photo" (I don't look -- or speak anything like Jeffrey Wright in that movie. Maybe I should just take it as a compliment. Unless whoever tried it wants to share?)
    Steve Harvey breaks it down at the BET Awards: ... "When you are a grown-ass man working hard your whole life, you get tired of hearing all that racist stuff. We don't make what we should make, or win awards that we should, simply because of the color of our skin. That is America. And welcome to America. Some might say, 'Well, it's better than any other country.' But we ain't any other country. This is our home just like it is your home. If the roles were reversed, you would feel just as bad about it as we do."


    Amel Larrieux: ... will be the voice of "Maatkara." Too bad we don't have cable. *sigh*
    "We tried to combine science fiction with the ancient culture of Egypt, and then wrote a story around it. A lot of it has to do with representing ancient Africans in a positive manner that's not stereotypical. The heroine's conflict is fulfilling her obligations as a priestess and a warrior having to destroy, yet heal. It causes a fundamental rift in her on many levels, internally and spiritually. It's an important struggle, because it's still common to what many of us go through today."


    Found: ... in today's page of my copy of the Freedom Forum's 2001 First Amendment calendar -- a Henry Miller quote: "We do not talk -- we bludgeon one another with facts and theories gleaned from cursory readings of newspapers, magazines and digests."
    Minstrelsy redux: ... Chris Rock and Chris Tucker get spanked in the New Republic.
    Ricochet: ... a co-worker points me to Henry Norr's re-assessment of the Metricom mystery.
    Cecily's dad: ... passed today. I'll be donating to the American Cancer Society in his honor.
    I want to Flash each part of it: ... New York, New York. (thanks anil)
    The great deregulator: ... The Washington Post profiles FCC Chairman Michael Powell, the man behind the "Mercedes-Benz/digital divide" quote.
    Quotes of the day: ... from the New York Times.
  • "If you get a great model who has a great attitude, that's terrific, but it is up to the cover lines to do the other 90 percent of the work ... In order to get that $4 from the reader, you have to think of it as a newsstand mugging."

  • "Different groups, or perhaps different segments within groups, have different reasons for clustering ... For some, it's a survival mechanism based on necessity and the fact that they're offered limited options. But for others, it is a cultural preference, and it's really what they want to achieve when they've made it in America."

  • "I remember when we had 9 percent unemployment in Appalachia in the late 60's -- it was 50 percent higher than the national average -- and it generated outrage and all kinds of roads and development programs ... In Tulare, unemployment is six times the national average and nobody is saying anything. There's a high degree of ineptitude that makes it difficult to change the status quo."
  • ... and an extra tidbit from the Writers on Writing series. Notice the blueberry iBook beside Edmund White in the picture that accompanies his essay:
  • I seldom listen to pop music because it's too monotonous rhythmically and too coarse harmonically to interest me for long; it depresses me and fails to connect me to a better, nobler society. When I write, I want to feel I could belong, at least in my dreams, to a world in which art must be puzzled out, a realm that believes that beauty is difficult. Of course this limitation on my part is doubtless a function of the generation I belong to.

    Daddy tear-est?: ... according to the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, June 2001, expectant fathers' hormones fluctuate around childbirth. All together now: Awwwwwww! (link to PDF file)
    This population of expectant fathers had lower testosterone and cortisol levels and a higher proportion of samples with detectable estradiol concentrations than control subjects. The physiologic importance of such hormone changes is not known, but these hormones are known to influence maternal behavior.

    Noted: ... without comment.
  • Teen pop star Jessica Simpson, no longer the innocent she appeared to be at this event last year, performed dressed in the skimpiest of hot pants, shaking her rear to a sample of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back.''

  • "It's like coming into a Buddhist temple with a shirt that says 'Jesus Saves.'"

  • Invincible is the tentative title for the record, sources said, though an Epic Records spokesperson could not confirm any details about the project. ... Until a few weeks ago, Jackson was putting the finishing touches on the album with producer Teddy Riley at Miami's Hit Factory, according to sources at the studio, who said Jackson had been there for three months. The first single is a collaboration with Method Man, those sources said.

  • Method Man told reporters, "I don't know whether it's in the job application for flight attendants to be rude to certain people. I didn't win my ticket on a game show."
    Epistolarium: ... "Star Trek Freewrite"? Boldly go.
    A nice dance-music-history primer: ... masquerading as a Dave Haslam book review that turned up when I went Googling for Kodwo Eshun's "More Brilliant Than the Sun."
    Noted: ... during Sunday's magazine-rack crawl.
  • Vanity Fair, July 2001, p.42, "Postcard from Sao Paulo," p. 42: "The beauty of Sao Paulo is its urban energy," says Camargo Vilaca's Marcia Fortes. "People move fast here. It's where things can happen."

  • A nice profile of Jan Willis, professor of religion at Wesleyan University, the first African-American scholar of Tibetan Buddhism and author of "Dreaming Me," in Dharma Life magazine (but sadly, not on the site).

  • A searing piece on white male fetishization of Asian female beauty in Monolid magazine, where they apparently don't play that.
  • 2001/06/17

    Sam-bam: ... thank you, man. In Nerve's special issue on speculative sex, Mr. Delany talks about pulp heroes and "slash" fiction ...
    The pulp hero, though he may be a renegade, is a guy who doesn't feel. Anything. Ever. And for the adolescent male -- pummeled by emotions left and right, whether arising from sexuality or resulting from his necessary encounters with authority -- this hero is a blessing, a relief and a release. The world he lives in, where feelings are totally under control, looks to the adolescent boy like heaven! This hero's lack of feeling -- like Star Trek's Spock -- is what allows him to be a genius, or allows him to shoot the bad guys and/or aliens, without a quiver to his lip.

    But what starts as a relief and a release, you eventually recognize as a distortion: it doesn't reflect the real world. Precisely what gave you a certain pleasure is also a restraint. Thomas Mann said that every philosophical position exists to correct the abuses of the previous one, often to the other extreme. You could make a reasonable argument that it is the alien Spock who carves out the space of desire that is eventually filled with sf's explicitly erotic characters -- everyone from my own Kidd in Dhalgren to Maureen F. McHue's gay character, Zhang, in her extraordinary China Mountain Zhang, not to mention all the Kirk-slash-Spock fiction.
    ... as well as a particularly influential piece of 70s science fiction, Joanna Russ' "The Female Man."
    That's the first time I remember reading anything in sf that talked about the terror of sex. It foreshadowed the terror of rejection, something that writing about sex must talk about, or it becomes mere wish fulfillment. That terror is such a large part of people's sexual lives. It is why we don't go up to perfect strangers and say, "Hey, you're gorgeous, let's go to bed." To put that part of you out there makes you very vulnerable.
    Photojournalism: ... Adam points out a Boston Review article on the problem with shooting first and asking questions later. "Life in the Day #1" from the summer issue of the Fader -- shot by Philly native Mpozi Tolbert in Cincinnati, Ohio, during the curfew a couple of months ago after the police killing of Timothy Thomas -- is worth perusing at a newsstand near you.
    "Sometimes you shoot a story backward to tell the story forwards."


    Essence: ... Collin Williams updates Monkeyfist's sadly long-neglected music section with his thoughts on Lucinda Williams' latest album.
    "The Patriot": ... Don't believe the hype -- and that goes for Spike Lee, too.
    Maybe they should change the name from Sony to phony.

    Just a week after the studio grudgingly admitted its advertising executives faked a film critic in print ads for several of its movies, Sony's facing another in-house case of fakery.

    Daily Variety reports the studio passed off two of its employees as faux fans in commercials hyping last year's "The Patriot."

    The fraud was perpetrated in nationally televised spots for the Sony/Columbia Pictures' Revolutionary War epic starring Mel Gibson, according to the trade paper. Apparently, some marketing executive thought it'd be cute to interview two of the studio's workers and have them pretend to be moviegoers who had just seen the film.

    And their response? It's the "perfect date movie!" gushed Sony employee Tamaya Petteway in the spots, which aired on NBC and CBS. Petteway works in Columbia's marketing department as assistant to the executive vice president of creative advertising, Dana Precious. Her "date" in the ads was poser number two--Anthony Jefferson, who works in the studio's finance department.

    The duo's testimonials aired as part of so-called "reaction spots"--a montage of interviews outside theaters that show fans who've purportedly just seen the movie and give the kind of over-exaggerated praise that studio marketeers just die for. ...
    Now here's where it gets really thick.
    The spots are also coming under scrutiny for a practice known within the industry as "affirmatives"--where affirmative action plays a role in deciding which testimonials are included in a commercial.

    "The Patriot" had come under fire from Spike Lee and other prominent African Americans for ignoring the issue of slavery in colonial times. Petteway and Jefferson are black, as was one of the other interviewees in the ad, which featured 32 moviegoers in all.
    Thinking different: ... if Apple users are lefties, someone forgot to tell Guanyao or Mark Newhouse.
    Question: ... If the 23-year-old man S.F. police shot as many as 20 times and killed Wednesday night in a theater at the Metreon was an OpNetwork intern and a business college student with a 4.0 grade average, troubled by mental illness and armed with a knife on a chain (not a gun -- not even a wallet), what color was he?

    No, but that's the thing -- it's a tragedy no matter what race he was. I go to the Metreon sometimes. I can look out a nearby window and see it; it's yards from my office. It's just too easy for me to think about this kind of thing happening, about what it would take for some incident or misunderstanding to escalate. It was on my mind a year ago, and it's still on my mind today.


    QoTDs: ... From Yahoo News' Full Coverage on Sex and Sexuality.
    "We've been in business for 30 years. I don't know of any dot-com that could even begin to match that."

    'I'm not doing it for any man. I'm doing it for myself.''

    "It was like I had a sixth finger. I didn't think I was sick or perverted, just that nature had made a mistake with my body,''

    "Our data indicate that urban girls, both those who have had sexual intercourse and those who have not, both view their sexual behavior as being based on personal (although infrequently religious) values."
    If you're reading this: ... I want to say three things.
  • Thank you. ("In the developed world, a substantial number of people who could very easily go online have decided not to ... They see no compelling reason to be on the Web. The hype and the promise of the Internet clearly hasn't impressed them -- not yet at least.")

  • Are you a boy or a girl? (The New York City-based research firm said that women over the age of 18 now comprise 40.9 percent of all online users, up from 40.3 percent in May 2000 and 39.3 percent in May 1999. In contrast, men age 18-and-over comprise 39.8 percent of all online users, down from 40.1 percent in May 2000 and 45.7 percent in May 1999.)

  • And, of course, do you know how fabulous you are? (Overall, the study found that Internet users are more accepting of social and political diversity than nonusers. They were significantly more likely to support or tolerate civil rights, homosexuality and nontraditional roles for women, and to oppose censorship of groups advocating those issues. They also said children should be taught not only obedience, but also how to think for themselves. ... Internet users were also more optimistic about life and described themselves as healthier and happier than nonusers did. They described their lives as more exciting and they were more trusting of their fellow citizens.)
  • 2001/06/13

    Nepal's impact on India: ... in all the fuss, I forgot to check in on my father-in-law to see how he's been weighing in on subcontinental implications.
    "Nepal is not out of the woods yet."

    "If instability continues and there is a law and order problem in Nepal, it will certainly cause concern in India ... "India and Nepal are so closely related that the border is almost open. Then the crisis situation will also have an impact on India. So far the Indian government has acted in a very correct diplomatic manner -- ultimately it is an internal matter of Nepal. But some wrong move or statement may create misunderstandings."

    "The confusion about the murders is causing great anxiety to the Indian government. This is the kind of thing that can lead to a variety of rumours."
    Fun with search terms!: ... What have folks have been looking for here in the last few weeks?
  • 1 for "deano and deaga" (wtf?)
  • 1 for "drums n space" (wtf?)
  • - 1 for "google" (psst! -- over this way!)
  • - 1 for "keep your eye on the sparrow" and - 1 for "keep your eye on the sparrow mp3" (yo! -- here's the words; here's the music)
  • - 1 for "malcolm x" (shrugs, shakes head from side to side)
  • - 1 for "preston" (he's over here, yo!)
  • - 1 for "table" (quizzical look on face)
  • - 1 for "u t o p i a" and - 1 for "mr ms u t o p i a" (a reference, perhaps, to pictures I took at a beauty pageant last month -- start here and keep changing the numbers after the word "pageant" from "01" up to "44")
  • - 1 for "ankita" (can't help you there; she's mine!)
  • - 1 for "dj onyx" (that's here)
  • - 1 for "keroac" (probably "kerouac" -- start here and tack on a "1" thorugh "7" after the word)
  • - 1 for "lyrics" (scratches head)
  • 2001/06/12

    California AIDS Ride 8: ... Shannon Wentworth got some inspiring words and pictures for her employer.
    Where were you: ... seven years ago today?


    Fear of a (big) black phenomenon: ... "There's a large group of Canadians gathered on Washington and Fourteenth." (via Romenesko)


    Two years ago, at Discipline and Publish: ... Paul Festa tried to write with his eyes closed.
    Writing with my eyes closed, sounds come to the forefront. The motor of my antique PowerBook. My pulse causing my ears to scrape against pillow. Clatter of typing. Writing lying down I feel like Colette except I have a few advantages over her. I can write really lying down, not just propped up in bed among an orgy of pillows. I can write with my eyes closed without worrying about writing off the page onto the sheets. And yet somehow I can't bring myself to feel superior to Colette. Will keep trying. ...


    Outlet: ... Cecily joins the new breed.
    DJ Spooky: ... Follow Me Here points out the interview with the Illbient One.
    What's your Social Security number?: ... Now, now, don't answer that. Just keep in mind if you're wondering when you can expect those 2001 advance payments now that President B---'s $1.35 trillion tax cut has been signed into law. But hey, don't spend it just yet, OK?
    Two QsOTD: ... from Tricky.
  • "I was sick ... The psychiatrist was useless. And then I found a doctor who straightened my diet. I don't eat no dairy, no sugar, no yeast, nothing out of cans."
  • "It's definitely the most ear-friendly of all my albums ... I feel like I've been sitting around for a couple of years complaining about what's on MTV and the radio. You can only do that for so long. If you want to hear good music on the radio, you need to make an album."

    Dig the new breed: ... over at thewritingsessions (Blogger out, GreyMatter in. New CSS and everything. Simple, spare, clean, neat. Soothing slate, periwinkle and cornflower -- and there's even a little wedding-day-angst dream action, if you can dig that sort of thing) and over at Lagtime (where Mr. Green is currently dipped in the fresh-fly CSS (and giving me food for thought re: Eve-as-DMX-sans-d*ck).


    Some of where I went today: ... every which way but loose (no, no *that* every which way but loose)
  • RandomWalks
  • Tomalak's Realm
  • .e.v.e.r.c.l.e.a.r.
  • Preston Davis
  • Two courtesy of John Snyder ...
  • The Museum of Black Superheroes
  • comics research bibliography
  • And the countdown continued ...
  • Web Nouveau Tableless Sites
  • Hivelogic (courtesy Cecily)
  • little.yellow.different
  • SF Dyke March 2000
  • The European Ethnohistory Database
  • Patina
  • The Daily Dean
  • Back to Mine: Everything But The Girl
  • All Back to Mine | BBC World Service
  • Danny Tenaglia : Back to Mine
  • Air : 10,000 Hz Legend
  • US ISSN Center Home Page
  • Gay in America: 1996 (Trinity Ordona)
  • And lastly ...
  • A RealAudio stream of "Amnesiac"
  • An Esquire interview with Lil' Bow Wow (in the Michael Stipe tradition)
  • An argument for including MTFs in the lesbian community
  • Oh, and a slight case of insomnia led me to finish Felice Picano's "Onyx." Made a bit of a backdrop in my head today for occasional reflective thoughts.


    The news peg: ... for that T-shirt blog entry below would be the the unrest in the fashion magazine world that mentions Glenda Bailey's transfer from the top spot at Marie Claire to Harper's Bazaar.
    Marie Claire, the American edition of which Ms. Bailey has edited since it was founded in 1997, has always incorporated fashion, but never made it the centerpiece. Instead, it favored horoscopes, personal-interest stories, articles about women's political issues (like the July feature "Babies in Prison") and the occasional whimsical piece about, for example, what happens when women hit the bars to pick up men while wearing T-shirts that read "Wanted: a Rich Man" or "I Look Better Naked." (The woman wearing the latter reported, "It intimidated some men, but over all it sure was a great icebreaker.") Ms. Bailey has proved to be adept at having her magazines picked up off of newsstands.


    T-shirt tell-all: ... July 2001 issue of Marie Claire has an article, "Do Men Like It When You Flaunt It?" (pullquote: "Men often say women give them mixed messages. So we sent out three women wearing T-shirts with clear -- and clearly provocative -- slogans to test how men would react.)
  • "I look better naked" (worn to an Italian restaurant, a sports bar, a local dive, a hip hotel bar, to run errands and to a supermarket by an Asian woman ID'd as "Maggie, 26, musician" with a last name of Kim) drew approaches from 9 men (average quality? C+).

    Quotes: "I like yours very much. Maybe we switch?" "She's cute? I might talk to her because of the shirt, but I wouldn't date her." "I was compelled to talk to you before I saw it; now I want to know if it's the truth."

  • "Wanted: A rich man" (worn to a restaurant, a "gentleman's club," a Starbucks and a local diner by a blond ID'd as "Amber, 29, entrepreneur" with a last name of Bishop) drew approaches from 30 men -- including 15 phone numbers (average quality? B-).

    Quotes: "So what do you have to offer a rich man in exchange for a good life?" (asked by a woman) "I think she's doing just fine on her own. Lighten up. I like it. It's gutsy." (stated by said woman's boyfriend) "I've got what you're looking for." (the most commonly used line)

  • "I have sex on the first date" (worn to an organic food store, an outdoor flea market, a swanky boutique, a sultry bar and a lounge hosting a party for young, successful professionals by a brunet ID'd as "Karen, 29, writer" with a last name of Robinovitz) drew approaches from 16 men (average quality? D+).

    Quotes: "You don't do that, do you?" "I must buy that for a friend. It's so her!" "I'm JoJo, and that is an 'int-uh-resting' T-shirt. First-date sex is fabulous. That better not be false advertising, though, or I could sue you."
    Here's to: ... linguistic turmoil.
    It's important to communicate. It's important to have a lingua franca. But it's also important to think differently. The most fertile, thriving cultures have a balance of order and chaos, with constant ferment. But today's computer media are flat and Anglocentric. Things are a bit too stuck, a bit too ordered. Both within the machines and across the network, we could enjoy a little more linguistic turmoil.
    Two from the gate: ... SFGate, that is.
  • Le freak, c'est chic.
  • "We're gonna do the first part like Caetano did it, then pttt" -- spitting out an imaginary watermelon seed -- "we'll quick switch it over."
    Shoutout to Flip: ... and his compatriot RJ over at east/west. What's Flip bumpin' this mizzonth?
  • Laurie Anderson. *recalls that Wong Kar-Wai film -- "Speak my language!"*
  • Bjork. *I've seen it all -- and I can't wait for "Vespertine"*
  • Cibo Matto. *One word: "Moonchild." Well, maybe 17: you can't avoid the lint of love, but you've got to know how to take it away.
  • Cat Power. *I like her cover of the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" better than the one James turned me onto, the one by P.J. Harvey and Bjork done live somewhere. Get thee to Gnutella (via your -- I mean, via my client of choice -- and compare/contrast) ...
  • Jill Scott: After the debut, she's rollin' with Sting. Every breath she takes, she can put the blunt down, leave that nasty lung infection she had behind and live up to that "next Ella Fitzgerald" praise he lavished on her.
  • DJ Gilles Peterson: love his show, love his CD, love my co-worker for loaning me said CD.
    Bjord: ... IIRC, he was the first cat to blog me up back in mid-June of 2000. He's not your average underground anarchist web developer coding backdoors for the revolution, no sir-ee.
    Dipendra: ... is the crown prince of Nepal who -- if news reports can be believed -- is having a lousy Saturn return. Interestingly, he was born a week and a half before me. But without an exact time of birth, all I can do is signify about his chart. *sigh*

    From Astro-Noetics:
    Saturn-Neptune Contacts: For my brothers and sisters born between 1970-2--and who are currently going through their Saturn Returns--this essay is dedicated to you. Many of you will have a Saturn-Neptune opposition in your birthchart. When the Saturn-Neptune complex is activated, very little is worse. This is the configuration of depression, existential despair, and the belief that life is completely futile and hopeless. Since Neptune is the planet of imagination -- of image -- Saturn can create an incredibly bleak and dark imagination in which the world looks like a big, black hole. One's self image can be remarkably pessimistic and unsuitable. Fear can rule one's world. This aspect can also enervate the ego, weaken the body, and create tremendous self-denial and religious guilt. This really is one of the tougher Saturn Returns to navigate. But, if successfully navigated, one can have a sense of inner meaning, purpose, and beauty that few others can reach.

    Thoughts to consider and suggestions: Food is good. Make St. John's Wort your friend. Don't overindulge the urge to isolate one's self. Remain active. Avoid Ingmar Bergman flicks at this time. Ask yourself: "Does my self-image match who I really am? Do I deny myself daily pleasure? Do I feel guilty about my life choices. Is my imagination destroying my foundations?"


    Phil me now!: ... For rappers grown tired of Bootsy (if you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the worm), there's always the other Mr. Collins to consider.
    A cross-section of Collins' densely rhythmic melodies has been reworked into hip-hop odes on the tribute album, Urban Renewal Featuring the Songs of Phil Collins, released on WEA Germany, according to Included on the album is ODB's rendition of "Sussudio," Brandy's cover of "Another Day in Paradise" and Lil' Kim's interpretation of "In the Air Tonight." The concept for the album was inspired by years of requests from R&B and hip-hop artists to sample Collins' music.


    Weblogs: A new source of news: ... "You don't have to be a good writer. What matters is meaning. What you need is passion -- a deep interest in a subject -- and then all you have to do is say something interesting. For us readers, it's actually a bit like eavesdropping. Who do I want to drop in on unannounced?"


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